House Rules & Waste Handling

and HSE information to section owners

Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) information to section owners. 
(apartments and businesses)

The co-ownership wants to create a pleasant and safe living environment for everyone. Together we will take care of our apartment sections and our common building areas. We want to focus on fire protection / detection and supervision of electrical installations and equipment, and the well being our common building and areas.

There are a set of requirements given to the KB6 board and to the respective section owners. See the enclosed document which the sections owners should comply to yearly. 

The house rules are sent out to all apartment owners and shall be available for anyone who is using the apartment. If the apartment is rented out, the House Rules are handed out to the tenants and shall be available to users of the apartment. If the apartment is rented out, it shall be confirmed to the Board that the house rules have been understood by the tenant. Information concerning who is living in the apartment is updated on the Bate web page - see information under the Rental section.


  1. Bicycles & strollers are placed in the bike-room next to the main entrance door.
  2. The common staircase, main entrance area or on any of the main floor hallway areas cannot be used for storing or parking bicycles, strollers, furnitures etc. You are not allowed to decorate your hallways section with pictures, furnitures, plants etc, due to fire regulations and that hallways are our escape routes. 
  3. Do not shake clothes, bed-cloths, blankets etc outside/above the balcony handrail.
  4. The doors in the basement floors should always be kept locked.
  5. The main door should be kept locked outside normal working hours (0700-1600) weekdays, and weekends (Saturday and Sunday).
  6. Smoking is not allowed in common interior or exterior of the KB6 areas.
  7. Use of charcoal grill on terraces is not allowed (see info under Questions). You are allowed to use electrical og gas grills. Remember that gas bottles shall be store outside on your own balcone. Storage of gas bottles in outdoor escape areas are not allowed.


  1. The KB6 board shall be informed if pets are part of the household

  2. Animals shall not be of any an nuisance to other inhabitants in the building.  

  3. Any inconvenience must be documented by the person concerned before the Board can process the complaint

  4. Animals should be in a leash/cage in the common areas of the apartment building. It is not allowed for any animals to move freely outside between the terrasses.

  5. Stairs- /escape staircases shall not be used for "walking the animal"


The waste shaft next to the elevator has been permanentely closed as of February, 2024. All waste shall be sorted into 1) food/biological waste, 2) remaining waste (plastic, metal, food wrapping, other), 3) glass/bottles and 4) newspaper, paper and cardbord, and carried down to the garbage rooms in the basement and placed in correct waste containers 

  1. BROWN LID containers are for Food & Biological waste. Plastic bags for food waste is picked up in the basement garbage room)
  2. BLACK LID containers are for remaining waste (plastic, metal, food wrapping,  other)
  3. ORANGE LID containers are for glass /glass bottles and glass in general
  4. GREEN LID containers (soon Blue) are for newspaper, paper and cardboard (cardboard boxes to be flattend) in the room next to the entrance door on the 2nd floor.
  5. Large amounts of bottles, metal and plastic can be thrown in the "Environmental stations (miljøstasjon) at the foodstore Extra/Kannik at Engelsminnegata 16. 


For entrance code to the doors to the store rooms, please contact the board. Residents should keep their basement stall clean. The basement stall must not be used for storing flammable materials, gas bottles or objects that may cause damage.


  1. Common light facilities are included in shelters, lower floors, stairwells as well as in the elevator
  2. Residents should ensure that lights are not used unnecessarily

6. The owners/tenants shall not let unknown persons enter the building. This is important in the evenings and nights when the front door is locked.

7. Excessive noise should be avoided between 23:00 and 07:00 in all areas of the building. During this time, singing, loud speech, the use of musical instruments, high sound from music systems and the use of noisy tools are not allowed. If renovation / work will take place over a longer period, please inform the board, so information can be sendt out to your neigbours

8. Dryer and drying cabinet must not be connected to the bulidings ventilation system

9. The janitor/landlord has the authority to ensure that the house rules are followed.

10. The respective owners/tenants are obliged to comply with the house rules and are also responsible for ensuring that these are complied to by the household and others who are granted access to the apartment.

Board of Kannikbakken 6